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May the Lord bless you and all those dear to you. We will keep your intentions very much in our hearts and prayer.


Greetings from Ireland to you all,
Please pray for my wife Ina O'Brien who is suffering from Alzheimer's and getting worse by the day, please pray that we will be able to care for her at home as long as possible, please God.
Please pray for my brother Father Joseph O'Brien a retired catholic priest who also is suffering from Alzheimer's, please pray that thinks will improve for him, please God.
Many thanks and God's Blessing on you all.
John O'Brien from Ireland.
Dear Sisters,

Please pray for Betty who is dying of cancer.

Thank you and God's blessings,
Dear Sisters,
Please pray for Ashton.
Thank you and God bless!
Intentions for Prayers for my healing from all symptoms of this ms thank you 🙏🏻
please help me to break financial curses upon family & please help me to restore financial blessing upon family.
Dear Sisters, please pray for my family. Ask that God protect us at this time. We are trying to split from our business partners who are proving themselves to be dishonest and greedy and wicked. The worry is too much. Keep my husband strong, clear minded and sharp. We also have a small child. Please pray that all will be well for us and that the Holy Spirit will protect us at this time and give us strength. In God I trust. Bless you all. Thank you for any prayers you are able to offer up for us. Thank you. Amen
Please pray for my thirty-five year old son who went to Mass with me last week for the first time since he went off to college. He didn't receive Holy Communion, but he came on his own without urging from me. I want him to fully embrace our Catholic Faith. After attending parochial grade and high school he refused Confirmation and remains stubbornly outside the Church. I've prayed thousands of rosaries and untold novenas for him to no avail. I am getting discouraged! Thank you, dear Sisters.
I request you to Pray for my Health and well being
I ask, in Jesus' name, for a miracle with my unemployment.
Please pray for a miracle for Heather and her family
Pls. pray for me and many loved ones desperate for healings
Dear Sisters, Please pray for me. I am far away from the Lord. I want to find my way back to Him. I am a sinner. I am having tremendous trouble praying, my faith is like a tiny spark and I'm afraid it will flicker out. Please remember me in your prayers. Thank you.
Dear Sisters
I have no request but I did want to say that upon watching Life in Hidden Light, I was truly impressed by the peaceful serenity that the Sisters all carry within themselves as they go about their daily tasks. Your love for God is abundant and shines through as you speak and has encouraged and awakened my spirit in my relationship with God. You are, indeed, exceptional people in dedicating your lives to follow the path of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. May God Bless and support you All. I send you my peace, my love, Linda Larkman.
Dear Mother, I'm slowly recovering from a recent stroke and would greatly appreciate the sisters prayers. I'm not allowed to drive at present so it is not easy getting to Mass as I live in a small village with no Sunday service. With many thanks..
Dear Sisters,
Just finished watching- Life In Hidden Light with deep appreciation for your depth of vocation and life dedicated to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Please pray for my young daughter-in-law, Jana who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer at the young age of 34. We are devastated with this news. I am retired from physical therapy and very strong in faith, raised in an Italian-American, Catholic family.
Thank you for your prayers.Be blessed in many ways.
I have enjoyed browsing through your Website and viewing the wonderful film, 'Life Hidden in Light.' May I please ask you to pray for me, a woman who is struggling to find her footing after a series of setbacks in health and keeping my small family together under one roof. I long to find stillness and peace and I pray to and ask God to help those, people and animals, who are suffering and have no voice. My problems are small compared to so many. I am overwhelmed with our world (a mess, indeed). Please pray that I can steady myself so I can help others. I want to be a positive force and spirit for myself and for others. Thank you. God Bless.
I recently watched 'Life In Hidden Light'. I am so thankful for this video because I am now aware of the wonderful love and all the prayers which pour out of your blessed community. The Sisters are full of wisdom and peace very seldom seen in the world today. You are all in my prayers for your steadfast commitment to our Lord. I agree with what the Sisters spoke of in the documentary: Truth and sifting through what we are told using discernment, prayer is something that God does that we are open to, loving Jesus and giving ourselves to Him, the Spirit fills everything and being sparks of light, and how the world is a mess when people take God out of it as He created us to love us and for us to love Him. Thank you all so very much for these words and for your knowledge. I will take these teachings with me and carry them in my heart. God richly bless you all.
Very interesting website. I especially enjoyed the 'Life in Hidden Light' video.

Please pray for a Polish man with young children who is very distressed about the state of his marriage and whose life seems to be falling apart.