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May the Lord bless you and all those dear to you. We will keep your intentions very much in our hearts and prayer.


Many thanks Sister Mary for your prayers and support for Frank Humphreys and family; your kindness to me today. I know Frank would have been gracious of your love and prayers in his passing.
God's Blessings to you all xx
for an elderly priest
To Mother Superior and the dear Sisters of Carmel,
Please assist us with your prayers - for the healing of our unborn granddaughter. Her due date is on or around the 29th of May. At the 20 week ultrasound, it was discovered that she has multiple complications.

1 Cleft lip, palate and jaw
2. Heart complications
3 Kidney complications

She will need to undergo many operations over a period of many years. On her face and heart and perhaps in later life her kidneys may fail.

We have prayed so very, very much and we would be so grateful if your dear and good sisters could assist us with your powerful prayers. All to His Holy Will.

My daughter is called Robyn and son-in-law Wouter van der Vlugt.

Thank you so much. May Our Good Lord, His Blessed Mother and Good St. Joseph bless and keep you all in Their loving care.

Yours sincerely,
Renée Noldus (Netherlands)
Dear Sisters
A wee update on my husband/dad Robert.
Surgery went well. Remains in hospital, some usual post surgical complications.
Was scheduled to come home tomorrow, Thursday but he began having a lot of nausea and now will be having abdominal xrays to check all the areas in the abdomen.
Our son Ian is well. Missing his papa, and eager for his return. He is able to talk with him on Face to me. It is a new world.
Thanks for your prayerful attention to this request. Also I would ask, and of myself as well, prayers for someone.....only known to God who is in great need and has No One to pray for them, who will benefit bu your joyful thoughts and prayers.
Thank you most kindly
Gayle Aroian
Dear Sisters,
I am so moved by the presentation Life in Hidden Light. It fills me with a joy and moves me to tears tears at times.
Peace to your hearts and gratitude for the joy and wisdom which you impart through In Hidden Light.
I am a Benedictine oblate of St Scholastica Priory on New England. I am also a nurse for the monks, Trappists, of St Joseph's Abbey.
I am blessed.
I shall like to request your prayers for my husband Robert. He had a simple gall bladder removal a couple months ago and since has had a bile leak from the liver. Thursday he will undergo major surgery in Boston to repair the liver.
We are the proud and happy adoptive parents of 4 adult children from around the world. Emily, Adam, Gabriel and Ian.
Ian lives at home with us. He has multiple special needs....among them, mental retardation and active seizures. He is most social and full of fun and a devotee of out Blessed Mother!
We need papa home with us and are asking for Jesus' healing touch, which I firmly believe in.
So I now place our concern at your feet and ask for your prayers. And please also do pray for one.....someone.....somewhere who has no one to pray for them, but who so needs prayers. God knows and listens!
Gayle Aroian

Please pray with me for a total end to covid and for protection for all from it, thanks and God bless, Mary
PS. Thank you for praying with us daily during these dark times!


CHRISTMAS,WINTER 2021,2022, 2020'S....ET. REST.


Dear Community of Prayer,

Thank you for praying with us daily for the long term.



Wishing the Community of prayer peace in their hearts!

Somehow by the grace of God and your prayers we are still standing. We are more determined than ever to pray! To enter His eternal rest and trust that out of that rest will come His will for everything.

All that matters now in these dark times is His perfect will?

In the end only love remains.

Thank you for praying with all of us daily during this terrible dark time(2020'S,,) in world history!

Just know we are praying with you daily. Please continue to pray with us daily Now and in the days ahead 2022,2023… or as long as possible? For God's Mercy, Healing and Protecting Peace in these turbulent times.

Please pray with us for our personal(Broken Hearts and Lives) recovery. God's Healing and Protecting Peace. Still recovering from the loss of our only son and other sorrows and hardships then and Now!

Thank you for standing with us in daily prayer.(Advent, Christmas 2022,2023..??) Long Term?


Can you pass on our Urgent Prayer Request on to Prayer Groups, Convents,Monasteries,Parishes and Others you know of the Worldwide Community of Prayer? Long Term? 2020's Communities(Women and Men) of Prayer?

We will continue to stay at our Post in Prayer!

In His Eternal Rest.

Bill and Carol. oh. usa
Pls. pray for Leah who has covid and for her husband, Pat, my son to be protected from it, pls. pray for a total end to covid and protection for all from it, TY and God bless
Please pray for my 83 year old Dad, Mike Pulick, to be healed of his low blood pressure. His pulmonary system is not working quite right. It is very serious and causing him to randomly collapse when he stands up, which may cause even further injury due to a fall. Doctors say there is no cure, just treatment to try to minimize symptoms. Thank you.
That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced to be a very great listener and communicator, that he also be graced to become and remain a very good, holy, and faithful priest with his Marian Community, and that his ordination day be October 1st,2022.
For the repose of the soul of Deborah M. Binder.
Dear Sisters
I do humbly request your prayers for my husband Bob. He had a simple gall bladder removal 4 weeks ago and has now been enduring a serious complication. He is a dear man. Always worked hard for his family and is very kind and gentle. Our children are adults....adopted from all around the world and our youngest Ian with very many special needs. His daddy loves him so and he loves him "over the moon."
Thank you for your prayers on our family's behalf.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Peace to your hearts
Mrs Gayle Aroian OblSB
Dear Sisters
Please pray for female vocations all-over the world and for female influence on evangelization of the young especially asking for the intercession of Sister Clare Crockett.
Many thanks

Dear Carmelite Sisters,

Please pray for my vocational discernment. I'm from the United States and have a newfound desire to become a Carmelite. I have different reservations, namely that of my family but am willing to follow Jesus if He truly is calling me out into the desert with Him. Thank you for your "yes" and may God continue to bless you in your faithfulness to Him.

In Christ,
Dear Carmelite Sisters, please pray for the eternal repose of my deceased father, that his soul may rest in peace!
Please pray that I'll be healed of my same-sex attractions and OCD symptoms and that I won't develope another mental illness.

May God bless you!
Dear Sisters in Christ

Please may I ask for your healing prayers for Jared Smith aged 6. He has been fighting Cancer for 2 years now & was in remission this time last year but sadly the Cancer has returned & the drugs are not working this time. So his parents have just been told that he is now under the Palliative Care team and to make memories quickly.
We know that if it is the Dear Lord’s wish Jared will be healed & the cancer will shrink so all we can do is pray but we need help, this is why I have come to your good selves.

Thank you for considering our wish.

Kindest regards
Angela Hamilton
May God continue to bless you dear Sisters. Thank you for all your prayers. I truly enjoyed the Doc In Hidden Light. I tell you the truth I have watched it more than ten times since I found it in 2020 that's how much I enjoyed it.
Please pray for me to draw closer and closer to God. And that I become an anointed evangelist.
Thank you so much. I will be praying for you all and I will be back now that I know where you are.
From California, USA
Greetings from the Czech republic!
I´ve seen In hidden light and It is a film that can caress the soul. Thank you so much for it! And thank you for all the prayers!
I am not a member of any religious order, but I love monasteries as places where I can find wonderful peace of mind and encounter God. I have made friends with the Poor Clare Sisters who have a convent not far from where I live, and I am glad that I have been able to get to know you remotely in this way.
Take care and I wish you God's blessings for whatever you embark on.
Have a nice day!
I have viewed recently In Hidden Light.
It is lovely.
As a nurse for the Trappist monks of St Joseph's Abbey I so appreciated the segment of the video with Sr. Jane and the very fervent and joyful Elder Sister.
Thank you, each and every one of you Sisters, for your prayerful presence/presents for us "out here in the world."
Peace to your hearts
gayle aroian oblsb
Dear Sisters , Thank you kindly for your prayers and sacrafices . I hope you are well . Pray for me and my family. Bless you.
Please pray that my son Matthew be healed from epilepsy. Thank you for your prayers.
Dear Carmelite Sisters,

I cannot thank you enough for your continuous prayers and support to South Sudanese Refugee Orphans in Northern Uganda Refugee Camps. Your prayers and continuous support has indeed manifested the presence of Jesus to the orphan children and refugees at large who benefited from your prayers and support as clearly illustrated in the verse below.

John 14:18-24 (ESV) reads:

18 “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. 20 In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. 21 Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” 22 Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?” 23 Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.

In verse 21 Jesus says that he will manifest himself to those who love him, and in verse 23 he further explains that he and his Father will "make their home" with such people. How are we to understand and interpret these verses? How does Jesus manifest himself to those who love him?

You have shown your unwavering and unconditional love and affection to the orphans not only South Sudanese orphan children but any child or vulnerable person who is in dire need of support to be lifted out from poverty, and you have done that year after year





Wishing all the Community a peaceful Year. Somehow by the grace of God and your prayers we are still standing. We are more determined than ever to pray! To enter His eternal rest and trust that out of that rest will come His will for everything. All that matters now is His perfect will. In the end only love remains.

Our Broken Hearts Continue to Cry out to God Day and Night for His Mercy and Peace!

Dear Sisters and Community of Prayer,

Thank you for praying!

Thank you for praying with all of us daily during this terrible dark time(2020'S,,) in world history!

Just know we are praying with you daily. Please continue to pray with us daily Now and in the days ahead 2021,2022… or as long as possible? For God's Mercy, Healing and Protecting Peace in these turbulent times.

Please pray with us for our personal(Broken Hearts and Lives) recovery. God's Healing and Protecting Peace. Still recovering from the loss of our only son and other sorrows and hardships then and Now!

Please pray!! Daily Prayer(2021,2022..??) Long Term?


Can you pass on our Urgent Prayer Request on to Prayer Groups, Convents,Monasteries,Parishes and Others you know of the Worldwide Community of Prayer? Long Term? 2020's Communities(Women and Men) of Prayer?

We will continue to stay at our Post in Prayer!

In His Eternal Rest.

Bill and Carol. oh. use
I am a 21-year old medical student in Germany. Right now I am trying to learn as much as I can for an important exam (it is in microscopic anatomy and my last try). The last two year I wasnt really productive and sadly didnt concentrate on my studies, but I want to change now. The last 2 years I learned about Christ (my parents are muslim, but I am on my way to convert to catholicism - I will hopefully get baptized coming easter). I talked with my parents about it and they accept my decision that I am a christian.

I hope that you can pray for me. And for all the poor souls that didnt find Christ yet. I think we are living and bad times, but may God bless you all.

Best wishes
Please pray for my 19 year old grandson. He is far from God and leading the wrong sort of life. My husband and I have loved him and done our best to bring him up. Sadly, we are now estranged from him, he doesn't want us in his life.
Every day we pray for his salvation.

Thank you for praying and may God Almighty bless you all.
That Light in the Darkness Inc. will partner with Forgotten Harvest and other food banks/pantry’s. That Light in the Darkness Inc. will receive funding for an expansion. That Light in the Darkness Inc. will receive more donations and find more volunteers.
For spiritual help
Louvado seja nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo e Sua Mãe a Virgem Santíssima!
Please pray for a friend of mine- Darlene Marie.
For Darlene’s conversion and salvation.
For the complete healing of Darlene’s mind, body, and spirit.
For the healing of Darlene’s broken and angry heart.
For Darlene’s deliverance and protection from all evil and evil influences.
For the restoration of my relationship with Darlene. I love this woman with all my heart.
I watched your Life In Hidden Light documentary and was struck by the beauty and purity of your lives. Sister Jane shone out especially, but you all clearly feel a connection to God in a way I can only hope to approach. You are appreciated greatly, and I ask you prayer for me in my own journey toward Christ, as I shall pray for you.

For FR. Tim Mazr (urgent)
Dear Sisters, I am seeking prayers for my elderly mother Madlin, who is having a very hard time walking. I'm humbling asking you to remember her in your prayers and to ask Jesus our Lord to heal her and give her strength.

Thank You,

Please can you pray for me, I’m struggling so much with my prayer life. I am very easily distracted
Thank you Sisters. You are an inspiration to my poor faith.
I wish you all well x
For Alejandro Moreno. For my family. For light in the Darkness Inc. For the Holy Fathers intentions. For the poor. For EWTN. For the capuchins.
Please pray Rebecca and my daughter Maria will be able to go home Dec. 1 to Hawaii, that all obstacles will be removed if it's God's will.
Please also pray for a miracle that someday Maria can attend Catholic school. So far we have been turned away constantly for being too poor. She is way behind, in Grade 3 at 10 due to our situation.
Thank you
Hello Sisters.
My mother used to live in Penn. She was born in 1917 and passed away 2012. She would tell me of the times, if she was ever late for mass and The Blessed Sacrament passed by, going to the convent. She would drop to her knees on the gravel and get holes in her stockings then a telling off from her mother.
I never lived in Penn but I was taken to your convent for mass one Sunday when I was 9 years old. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I was totally fascinated.
My mother used to talk a great deal about your convent and of a school friend who entered, Cassie Bennett I believe she was called.
I miss my mother terribly and all her lovely stories.
Please pray for her, Maureen FAY, Nee PONDER. Pray for our family that is quite broken apart.
I will remember you in my prayers dear sisters. 🙏
For Terrence Mekoski (a special intention). For Supreme Court Justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett. For EWTN, the KoC, Light in the Darkness Inc., and the Association of Marian Helpers. That Mother Angelica, Solanus Casey, Fulton Sheen, FR McGivney, and SR Clare Crockett will become Saints. For the unborn, the poor, and the desolate. For the United States and Israel. For our president and vice president. For our armed service men and women.
Dear Sisters,

I have had the pleasure of watching the documentary (Life In Hidden Light), made about all of you and your monastery several times. I am personally unsure about many aspects of God and religion. Even doubtful at times. However, I cannot help admiring your strong commitment to your beliefs, your lifestyle, your vocations and to each other. It is humbling that so many of you dedicate your lives to the service of others through prayer, something that I suspect many of us are doing incorrectly, if at all. I imagine (rightly or wrongly) that it would feel like a burden at times. However, I cannot claim to know the answer to that.

If you would be so kind, I would like to request prayers for everyone who is unlucky enough to be living in or with toxic, abusive, unhealthy, hurtful, harmful situations, and the damaged people who cause such things. I have unfortunately been forced to deal with several of these situations throughout my life. I recently had to permanently end a friendship of ten years due to the other person's consistently toxic and abusive behaviour towards me. As much as I tried to help this person, and love them into healthiness, hoping that my kindness would one day be enough, I simply could not.

It has become far too tiring and much too heavy a burden for me. It is no longer something I can tolerate in my life. It is unhealthy and unsustainable for me. This person is deeply damaged within themselves, and they haven't had so much as a shred of desire to change over the last ten years I have known them.

I cannot help this person but I would still like most people in the world to be helped, including them. I deeply empathize with the hurt and the cruelty that many of us experience at the hands of other people, both intentionally and unintentionally. I find it very sad and disappointing. I am hopeful that your prayers may bring some comfort and strength to those of us surviving abuse and cruelty of any kind. Love to you all.
What a treat for me to "experience" a touch of your lives. Thank you for all your sacrifices. A blessing upon each and ever one of you. I shall keep You all in my prayers now.
I am a nurse for trappist monks in the U.s. in their infirmary. Also a blessing for God..
Peace to your hearts.
of course,
Mrs. Gayle Aroian
Dear Sisters. Please pray that more will turn to God and realize that He is our true Hope and Salvation in these difficult times. I pray for all of you so that you may continue to guide us to Our Lord God.
For all elections in the United States. For an end to abortion. That Blessed Solanus Casey, Venerable Fulton J Sheen, FR. McGivney, Mother Angelica, and Sr Clare Crockett will become saints. For the poor. For more vocations. For strength and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. For EWTN, the KoC, Light in the Darkness inc., and the Assc. of Marian Helpers. For Pope Francis. For Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. For Caleb Starr and his family. For Molly and Meghan Mekoski. For the Jacobson family.
Just finished watching "Life in Hidden Light" on YouTube. God Bless the elder nun featured toward the end of the video. What a delightful spirit.

Interestingly, I watched a video just yesterday on the Buddhist Yogis of Tibet. You have more in common with them than you may think.

Be well and please stay healthy during these uncertain times.

Kindest regards,

John Sallie
For my Grandson Teddy. That he will grow in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God Bless all of you. I will pray a Rosary your community.

For my sister and for change of my life and fulfil my dreams. God bless you sisters!
For Terrence Mekoski’s election campaign. For Ret. Brigadier General Doug Slocum’s election campaign. Both are good pro life candidates.
For strength and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. For my employment that God will may be done. For a special intention. For the Holy Fathers intentions. For the Supreme Court justices of the United States. For an end to abortion. For a spiritual director. For devotion to the most holy rosary. For the following families: Jacobson, Mekoski, Stalenski, Rumescheski, Hakim, Young, Warren, Rinke, Janiszewski, Redwalski, Arwady, Vigneron, Flood, Lancucki. For peace in the Middle East. For the US & Israel.
For a teenage girl with serious emotional problems and the people who are enabling her. Also for her parents, doctor and therapist