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May the Lord bless you and all those dear to you. We will keep your intentions very much in our hearts and prayer.


Dear sisters,
Please remember me in your prayers ..... let me get favour and luck and things to workout good for me. And also people who are sick and suffering from this covid19 pandemic to heal each everyone of them in Jesus might name amen.
I thank God for You. Love, Light, Peace, Joy and Music.
For the Holy Fathers intentions. For a special intention. For an end to abortion. For Wayne Steinhouse treasurer of KoC #9526. For Terry Carl, Bruce Rinke, Paul Janiszewski and all Knight’s of council #9526. For my daughter Melody Elizabeth Jacobson. For my family. For the following and they’re families: Jeanie Masty, FR. Arwady, Archbishop Vigneron, John Stec, Shanisa Thompson, Mother Mary Elizabeth, Whole Mekoski family. Increase in faith, hope, charity, and love of God and of neighbor.
For the intentions of the Holy Father. For Joshua Jacobson he has lung pain. For the Jacobson and Mekoski family. For an end to abortion. For a swift end to Coronavirus. For the salvation of souls and conversion of sinners. For devotion to Mary, St. Joseph, and Divine Mercy. For the holy souls in purgatory. For President Trump and Netanyahu. For the US and Israel. For a swift end to the Israel-Palestine conflict. That S. Casey, F. Sheen, McGivney, Mother Angelica, Clare Crockett will be saints.
For the Holy Fathers intentions. For the poor. For an end to abortion. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the: Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, Home of the Mother, the Capuchins, Rosary confraternity, Blue Army, Salvation Army, Red Cross, Assoc. of the Miraculous Medal, EWTN, Marian Helpers, Light in the Darkness. For: John S., Ken R., Tom M., Andrew B. For the Jacobson and Mekoski family. For devotion to Mary and St. Joseph. That Solanus Casey & Fulton Sheen become saints.
Dear Sisters,

Please pray for all those who need it around the world to cope with the ongoing pandemic, enabling courage and faith to see them through these trying times, in particular, my good friend, Ezra, and to keep all healthy and safe.

God Bless You Sisters for your love, devotion and vocation to Prayer and The Lord.

Love and Light Always

Jan xxxx
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the capuchins at St. Bonaventure. For all the Catholic Religious, Clergy, and Lay faithful. For more vocations. For devotion to Mary. For devotion to St. Joseph. For devotion to Divine Mercy. For an end to abortion. For a swift end to the Coronavirus. For peace in the Middle East. For president Trump and VP Pence. For Pres. Benjamin Netanyahu. For the U.S and Israel. For the Jacobson family, the Mekoski family, Larry Ray, Janis Cornwell. EWTN. the KoC.
Please pray for Pope Francis’s intentions. An end to the epidemic and eternal salvation for those whom the Lord has called to Himself. For an end to abortion. For the holy souls in purgatory. For devotion to Mary. For an end to terrorism. Conversion of sinners. Return to the sacraments. For EWTN, the KoC, Light in the Darkness inc. For the poor. For my family. For all healthcare workers. For more vocations. That Solanus Casey, Fulton Sheen, Mother Angelica, Sr. Clare Crockett will become saints
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For Annemarie Keck. Jeannie and Paul Masty. Marlene, John, Joshua, Melody, Tingting, Matthew, and Erika Jacobson. Terrence, Molly, Henry, Jeannie, Sandra, Henry Leo, and Cecilia Mekoski. The Puckett family. The Hakim family. The Young family. For the end of the pandemic and eternal salvation for those who the Lord has called to himself. For an end to abortion. For more vocations. For all those who are addicted. Peace in the Middle East. For USA and Israel. No war.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the Servant sisters of the Home of the Mother. For all the Franciscans. For the Poor Clares. For the Capuchins. For the Dominicans. For the Jesuits. For the Carmelites. For Blessed Solanus Casey, Venerable Fulton J Sheen, FR William McGivney, and Sr. Clare Crockett that they will become saints. For my family. For EWTN, the KoC, the Association of Marian Helpers, Searphic Mass Association. All soup kitchens. All shelters. All the faithful missionaries. For Peace
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For Jannie Masty and her brother Donnie. For Paul Masty, Frank and Wendy Klick, Jerimiah Boschell, Robert Edison, Steven Hinds, Melissa Hinds, Scott Somanski, The Stevens family, The Mekoski family, Kettlehut family, Ricksdad family, Kott family, Tingting Jacobson, Melody Jacobson, Robert Tingle, FR. James Arwady, Archbishop Allen Vigneron, For the KoC, Seraphic Mass Association, Light in the darkness inc., EWTN, Ass. Marian helpers. In memory of Scott Lancucki.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For wisdom and strength in this difficult time. For Mary undoer of knots to help me. For Terry Carl, Paul Janiszewski and all those involved in this situation. For father William McGivney’s intercession. For St. Joseph’s intercession. For the Knights of Columbus. For Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. For Grand Knight Bruce Rinke. For KoC council #9526.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For a swift end to the pandemic. For all those with vocations. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the conversion of sinners. For the salvation of souls. For the poor. For strength and wisdom from the Holy Spirit. For the Knights of Columbus, the Association of Marian Helpers, EWTN, and Light in the Darkness Inc. That Blessed Solanus Casey, venerable Fulton J Sheen, Mother Angelica, and Sr. Clare Crockett will become saints officially recognized by the Church.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For an end to the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation for those whom the Lord has called to himself. For extraordinary graces for all those in the religious life of the Catholic Church. For the US and Israel. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the conversion of sinners. For an increase in vocations. For the KoC. That Blessed Solanus Casey, venerable Fulton J Sheen, Mother Angelica, and Sr. Clare Crockett will become saints.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For an end to Coronavirus. For the US and Israel. For presidents Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. For the armed service men and women of the US and Israel. For a nuclear disarmament of Iran. For EWTN. For the Association of Marian Helpers. For Light in the Darkness Inc. For the Knights of Columbus. For the salvation of souls. For the conversion of sinners. For the poor. For the holy souls in purgatory. For Marlene Jacobson, Hank and Jeannie Mekoski, Hellen M.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the end of abortion. For the Holy souls in purgatory. For presidents Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. For a nuclear disarmament of Iran. For the armed service men and women of the US and Israel. For a swift resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. For unity in the Catholic Church. For a call to vocations. For all the Catholic faithful and religious that they will be showered in graces. That Terrence Mekoski will be Sheriff. In memory of Barbra Young.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the end of the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation for those who the Lord has called to him. For Deidra Collins and her family. For: My family, John Stec, Joseph Hakim, Barbra Young, Joe Pavlov, Bruce Rinke, Michelle Weight, the Mekoski Family, the Redlawski family, Paul and Ethel Janiszewski, Hellen McCallister and her family, the Wojcicki family, the Cielinski family, the O’Brien family, the Stalenski family.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the end of the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation for those who the Lord has called to him. For the United States and Israel. For presidents Donald Trump n Benjamin Netanyahu. For a swift end to the Israel-Palestine conflict. For the armed service men and women of the U.S. and Israel. For peace in the world. For the conversion of sinners. For the holy souls in purgatory. For all those in the religious life of the Catholic Church.
Prayer request My husband's brother Larry age 63 is in the hospital in OH, USA with COVID 19. He is very ill in ICU. He is estranged from God, the church and his son. Please pray for physical and spiritual healing.
For Pope Francis’s intentions. For the end of the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted and eternal salvation for those whom the Lord has called to himself. For presidents Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu. For a swift end to the Israel-Palestine conflict. For the armed service men and women of the US and Israel. For peace in the Middle East. For the poor. For the conversion of sinners. For an end to Boko Haram. That Solanus Casey, Fulton Sheen and Mother Angelica become saints.
Praying for you at this critical time. Hope that you are all safe and well. God Bless Sisters.
For Joseph Hakim that he will be strong, do Gods will, and don’t sin. For Barbra Young who recently had a stroke and her two sons. That more people will follow Our Lady of Fatima’s instructions. For Melody and Tingting Jacobson that they will always have the protection and blessing of the blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, and guardian angels. For Terrence Mekoski’s election campaign that he will be the Sheriff of Macomb County.
That Light in the Darkness Inc. will be able to continue operations amidst this pandemic. For the end of Coronavirus. For president Trump. For Benjamin Netanyahu. For the US and Israel. For peace in the Middle East. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the salvation of souls. For the conversion of sinners. For the poor. For the armed service men and women of US and Israel.
For Light in the Darkness Inc. For Pope Francis. For the end of Coronavirus. For president Trump. For Benjamin Netanyahu. For the US and Israel. For peace in the Middle East. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the salvation of souls. For the poor. For the armed service men and woman of US and Israel.
That Womancare of Macomb PC will be shut down.
For the Pope. For peace and stability in Nigeria. For a swift end to the corona virus. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the poor.
I'd appreciate it if you could please pray for my dad who is having surgery today. Please pray for him to stay alive, stay healthy and have a good recovery. Also for me to look after him well and to get my life in order after he's better.
Please pray for the Born of the Spirit Retreat occurring this weekend at Franciscan University of Steubenville, for a renewal of the Holy Spirit, and for a full immersion into the Anointing. Please also pray for open hearts.
Please pray for my grown sons, and my husband and I, that we may put aside all of the hurt from past years and start again as a family. Please pray that I can silence my mind with outside distractions and just be one with God. I hear him, but I’m not really listening. Two of my aunts are Sisters in the United States. Last year they both celebrated 60 years. Sister Donna Shanahan and Sister Darlene Shanahan (Sister Patricia Rose) are their names. They are both a huge blessing to me. I was instantly drawn to you when I saw your video on YouTube.

Thank you,
Catherine Greene
Vermont, United States
Please pray for my husband to heal from his illness of myasthenia gravis. We are both lLay Carmelites. Found your blog tofay and love your blog and website. THANK YOU
Peggy Ashe
Thanking you dear Sister's for your prayers for Frank my brother in law. I have told Frank you are praying for him; he is grateful and wants you to continue to pray for him and help him.
Thank you for your kind helpful words to me.
God Bless You All in your work.
Cora xx
Please pray for Martin & Val Sculley, married for 61 years, as Martin is almost ready to begin his journey back to Our Lord and ask for strength to be given to Val as she helps his every need. God watch over and bless them both
Pls. pray for my total healing from severe dental issues, thanks and God bless
Please pray for the life and soul of Dustin Collins and courage, strength, perseverance, and faith for his mother Kim Collins.
For a teenage girl with serious emotional problems and the people who are enabling her. Also for her parents, doctor and therapist.
She started on antidepressants several weeks ago and a lot of “stuff” is bubbling to the surface.
Her parents are literally sick with fear.
Home life is dreary and sad and scary.
Please pray for the Born of the Spirit Retreat Fall 2019 Nov 8th-10th
Please pray for healing for my friend Whitney to cure her lupus. Please forgive me if this is a duplicate (or other multiple) request, but I do so appreciate your prayers. Thank you!
I would like ask you sisters to pray for my friend Agnieszka, who's mental state is very bad she is suffering depression and panic attacks. Now hospitalised as new medication don't work properly.
Thank you
For the spiritual healing of my family and children, specially my son Kolbe.
Please pray for healing for Mike. His kidneys need to start working.

Thank you all.
Healing Prayers please
Please pray for the healing of Rosie. A senior in high school at St. Cecilia Academy, in Nashville, TN, as she battles rhabdomyosarcoma, a muscle cancer that has metastasized to parts of her bone.
Please pray for my mother, Teresita, who is confined in the hospital for kidney stone & UTI. Lord, please lower her creatinine. Please make her well. Please make her procedure on Friday successful. I also ask for you to bless my father, Ric, who is taking care of her. Amen.
Dearest sisters,

Would you please pray for my brother James Robert Floyd in California who is departing this world. His death at age 65 from prostate cancer is imminent. His six brothers and sisters will miss him so. Thank you.
Dear Sisters,

Could you please pray for the Venezuelan people that are passing through very difficult time?
May God protect and guide us to recover our democracy , freedom and the love of God through Christ our Lord?

Thank you, and may God continue to bless you in your holy work.
Please pray for the youth ministry of St Andrew the Apostle church that we can find the 30 caring faithful adults needed to work with our middle school and high school youth. We want to identify them by mid July.

Please pray for Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor that we can recruit and retain faithful, dedicated, competent math and other staff needed for our upcoming school year.
For my son Jonathan. In gratitude for prayers answered. For continued protection and healing
Dear Sisters,

Could you please pray that my husband and I might conceive a healthy child to raise up in the Church?

Thank you, and may God continue to bless you in your holy work.
Dear sister, you are so great and I love yo so much. Please pray for my vocation of the religious life. Amen.
And I want to say the song Psalm 71 grail translation v.7 is very beautiful, I want to hear it, do you know it.
Thank you and hope you have a good health.
Ann, from Vietnam.
For the continued healing and deliverance of my son Jonathan. Gratitude for prayers answered and continue prayers for his recovery mentally and spiritually. Thank you and God Bless. I will pray for your community
Please pray for two men named Brad and Greg who
are receiving cancer treatment.
Thank you and God's blessings to you, Sisters.