Now find us on Social Media
Wishing you a very happy & blessed Christmas, filled with the peace, joy & love of our new-born Saviour. May God grant you good health & many graces in 2025, which we celebrate as the Jubilee of Hope. Be assured that we continue to keep your intentions very much in our prayers.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) December 24, 2024
Today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and we pray particularly for vocations to our own Carmel in Wolverhampton, that our Risen Saviour may be pleased to send us young women filled with the love of God, the Church and prayer.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) April 21, 2024
Happy Easter to all our friends and followers! Wishing you many special joys and blessings this Eastertide. Alleluia! The Lord is risen!
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) March 31, 2024
"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 118:24)
Times for our services for the Easter Triduum:
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) March 28, 2024
Maundy Thursday - 5 pm Holy Mass
Good Friday - 9 am Tenebrae, 3 pm Solemn Liturgy
Holy Saturday - 9 am Tenebrae, 8 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday - 10 am Holy Mass
Wishing everyone a very happy & grace-filled Christmas & many joys & blessings in 2024. May our New-born Saviour enfold you in His tender love & mercy & His blessed Mother reveal those wondrous things which she treasured & pondered in her heart. Know you are always in our prayers
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) December 25, 2023
On 7th July we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession of our Reverend Mother Prioress, Sr Bernadette of Jesus. Below is a link to the video of the Holy Mass (main celebrant Archbishop Bernard Longley) in which Our Mother renewed her vows.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) July 20, 2023
Wishing all our friends, followers & benefactors a very happy & blessed Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. We will be holding you all very much in prayer during our day of public adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, finishing with Vespers & Benediction at 4.30 pm.
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) July 16, 2023
On this World Day for Consecrated Life, we would like to highlight our recently uploaded video of the Celebratory Mass for the Diamond Jubilee of one of our Wolverhampton Carmel sisters. Please find it on our website (videos page) or directly on YouTube at
— Carmelite Monastery, Wolverhampton (@carmelwv3) February 2, 2023
Please remember me in your prayers ..... let me get favour and luck and things to workout good for me. And also people who are sick and suffering from this covid19 pandemic to heal each everyone of them in Jesus might name amen.
Please pray for all those who need it around the world to cope with the ongoing pandemic, enabling courage and faith to see them through these trying times, in particular, my good friend, Ezra, and to keep all healthy and safe.
God Bless You Sisters for your love, devotion and vocation to Prayer and The Lord.
Love and Light Always
Jan xxxx
For the Pope. For peace and stability in Nigeria. For a swift end to the corona virus. For the holy souls in purgatory. For the poor.
Thank you,
Catherine Greene
Vermont, United States
Peggy Ashe
Thank you for your kind helpful words to me.
God Bless You All in your work.
Cora xx
She started on antidepressants several weeks ago and a lot of “stuff” is bubbling to the surface.
Her parents are literally sick with fear.
Home life is dreary and sad and scary.
Thank you
Thank you all.
Would you please pray for my brother James Robert Floyd in California who is departing this world. His death at age 65 from prostate cancer is imminent. His six brothers and sisters will miss him so. Thank you.
Could you please pray for the Venezuelan people that are passing through very difficult time?
May God protect and guide us to recover our democracy , freedom and the love of God through Christ our Lord?
Thank you, and may God continue to bless you in your holy work.
Please pray for Father Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor that we can recruit and retain faithful, dedicated, competent math and other staff needed for our upcoming school year.
Could you please pray that my husband and I might conceive a healthy child to raise up in the Church?
Thank you, and may God continue to bless you in your holy work.
And I want to say the song Psalm 71 grail translation v.7 is very beautiful, I want to hear it, do you know it.
Thank you and hope you have a good health.
Ann, from Vietnam.
are receiving cancer treatment.
Thank you and God's blessings to you, Sisters.