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Beginning of the 'Year of the Word' - 'The God Who Speaks'

Posted on 27th September, 2019


Open Bible2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the publication of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation ‘Verbum Domini’, which examined the Word of God in the life and mission of the Church. It is also the 1,600th anniversary of the death of St Jerome, well-known for his Latin translation of the Bible (the Vulgate). To celebrate these events, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have designated 2020 as a 'Year of the Word' with the title, 'The God Who Speaks'.


The official launch of this Scripture initiative will be on Monday, 30th September this year, the Feast of St Jerome. In the first of three talks from the National Gallery in London, Cardinal Vincent Nichols offers his reflections on the painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Masaccio entitled 'Saints Jerome and John the Baptist'. To watch the video, please click on the link below:


St Jerome, Father and Doctor of the Church


Scripture is at the centre of everything the Church does. The Word of God shapes our prayer and worship. The Bible shows us how to understand the world, how we are called to live and relate to each other. For St Jerome, to be ignorant of the Scriptures was to be ignorant of Christ, and he understood the Hebrew Scriptures as being fulfilled in the New Testament. He famously said: 'Jesus is latent in the Old Testament but patent in the New'. He also taught that prayer was speaking to God but reading the Scriptures was the moment when God speaks to us.


That is why next year is being dedicated as a year of focus on the Bible. During 2020 and leading up to it, we will be celebrating, living and sharing God‘s Word through this exciting new Scripture initiative. To help achieve transformation in our hearts and communities, there will be a range of events, activities and resources to participate in all around the country. It’s an opportunity to enrich current practice and to develop and explore new ways of responding to ‘The God who Speaks’.


To discover more about St Jerome, who he was and what we can learn from him, please click here:


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